Aerlex Law Group

A Message from the President

We at the Aerlex Law Group welcome the reawakening of the American economy and are excited to embrace what comes next.

Even as stay-at-home orders went into effect in the State of California and the City of Los Angeles on March 19th – exactly two months ago today – the Aerlex attorneys and staff continued to work actively, concentrating on the transactions and legal issues that have made Aerlex one of the best-known aviation specialty law firms in the world.

We at Aerlex have always taken pride in making ourselves accessible to our clients whenever they need us and even though we were compelled to work from home, on laptops and cellphones, we have remained fully focused and totally engaged, supporting companies in every aspect of whole and fractional aircraft sales, purchases and leases even as ricocheting stock markets challenged the resolve of buyers, sellers and lessees, defending pilots and companies facing FAA regulatory challenges and enforcement actions, and offering labor and employment guidance to businesses forced to address the new risks and realities of a workplace where employees’ apprehension over Covid-19 demands a more fulsome commitment to safety than ever before.

Safety has always been a priority for Aerlex. This law firm was born out of an aviation insurance defense practice 28 years ago and even as we expanded our legal practice into every phase of private and corporate aviation, from acquisitions to tax to labor law to corporate management to FAA and DOT regulatory compliance, we have never lost sight of that commitment to aircraft safety. Protecting our clients from harm was a touchstone for us long before the coronavirus appeared on the scene and we are even more focused on safety in the midst of an ongoing pandemic.

I was very excited when 2020 began because I sensed the year would be momentous in many historic ways and I also appreciated the symbolism of the number and its connection to the notion of optimal optic acuity, i.e., 20/20 vision. That inspiration was a powerful motivation to me to renew, enhance, invigorate and expand the breadth and depth of Aerlex’s legal practice and, at the same time, better communicate what we do and hope to do to the business and corporate aviation industry, the larger aviation community and, most importantly, our existing and new clients. At the same time, however, I could never have been so prescient as to see the sweeping tsunami of viral contagion that was looming on the horizon and the way in which it would overwhelm the world. But as all of us do what we can to “flatten the Covid curve,” I still remain passionately committed to galvanizing the Aerlex message and in the weeks and months to come, you will begin to see the results of our efforts.

These unprecedented times require us to remain nimble and responsive to the ever-changing situation and the many challenges we are facing on all fronts worldwide – legal, economic, medical, social, cultural, intellectual and environmental. At the same time, relationships still matter and although we have been largely separated from one another over the past two months, human connection has never been more important. We are going to do our part to renew and revitalize those human connections and we hope you will join us in that vital endeavor.

We want to begin by expressing our heartfelt gratitude to each and every one of you for choosing Aerlex as your attorneys and for the loyalty you have shown our law firm over the past 15 years. Please know how honored we are to be your legal counsel. You have granted us the unique privilege and responsibility of helping you and we are deeply grateful for the trust you place in us. We are here to serve, support and stand by you, especially now at a time when the need for support has never been greater. We want to talk to you, to listen to your needs, to understand the challenges you are facing and to try and help you respond with resources and solutions equal to the task of weathering this storm and emerging stronger, better, smarter and more successful than ever before.

Be well, stay safe, keep in touch and let us know how we can be of service.

Stephen R. Hofer
Aerlex Law Group and
Aerlex Tax Services