Aerlex Law Group



The National Business Aviation Association (NBAA) welcomed over 150 attendees to its annual Business Aviation Taxes Seminar on May 4th and 5th , held this year in Marina del Rey, California. Aerlex Law Group (ALG) and Aerlex Tax Services (ATS) joined forces to serve as the Presenting Sponsor for the NBAA event, which addresses every facet of the complex tax and regulatory issues that affect business aviation.

ALG President Stephen Hofer, kicked off the event with his opening remarks to the packed ballroom in The Ritz-Carlton, explaining that there were several reasons why Aerlex had agreed to serve as the Presenting Sponsor for this year’s Aviation Tax Seminar. Hofer noted that Aerlex’s main offices are located at the Santa Monica Airport, just four miles from the site of the seminar in Marina del Rey. In addition, Hofer said Aerlex has been an active member of NBAA since the firm’s founding in 2005 and he has served as a member of the NBAA Tax Committee since 2008. That convergence of factors made Aerlex the perfect candidate to take the leadership role in sponsoring this year’s event.The program that followed on that first afternoon of the seminar offered three presentations addressing entertainment use of business aircraft. On the second day Seattle lawyer Jordan Miller spoke on state tax planning with a specific focus on tax issues relevant to aircraft acquisitions and ownership in the Western States. Additional presentations addressed topics such as cost reimbursement options, federal excise tax considerations, passive activity loss rules, and the impact of tax reform and congressional priorities on business aviation.

Mr. Miller said afterward, “The NBAA seminar is an excellent update for attendees who are already well-schooled on aviation tax issues as well as an outstanding primer for those who are just learning about business aviation taxes.”

If you missed the Tax Seminar, NBAA also presents a second educational tax program each year prior to its annual Business Aviation Convention & Exhibition. This year, the NBAA Tax, Regulatory & Risk Management Conference will be held October 8-9, 2017, at the Las Vegas Convention Center, followed by the main Convention & Exhibition October 10-12. Aerlex is also pleased to provide sponsorship for the Tax Conference as well.

If you would like to contact any of the Aerlex attorneys or personnel, call 310-392-5200.